Reflexology dates back to 2500 BC to ancient Egypt.
It triggers relaxation, resulting in reduced levels of stress and tension, can help you to increase blood flow and circulation throughout the whole body. While reflexology should not be used as a replacement for medical therapy, it can nicely complement your ongoing medical treatments.
Reflexology has been connected with stimulating more than 7,000 different nerve endings in a single session, thereby increasing their function and reactivity. Opening and cleaning out neural pathways can help improve functionality and flexibility in many areas around the body.
Join Kathy Demciuch , Certified Reflexologist for one hour of very informative workshop, which will give you the knowledge how can you improve your health by implementing reflexology into your life.
You will learn about:
- basic outline of reflexology
- what is it, how it works
- why and how does it decrease stress
- who can use it
- testimonials and results
- what to expect during and after a reflexology session
Special promotion for participants only
10 $ ( HST Included)
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